Monday, November 23, 2009

Signs of hate, right here in Denver

So, I am editing because I didn’t really write anything thoughtful about this email that I received. What I want to say really is WTF?!? But I am sure I can find a more eloquent way to express my feelings…

Okay even if you seriously thought Obama was not a natural born citizen, I am not sure what your sources are but I think people probably do believe this. How do you get from Kenyan immigrant to Jihad? Yes, I realize that there are Muslims in Kenya, but there are Muslims probably in every country in the world and in no way does being a Muslim make you a member of an extreme fundamental group. This ad is not only disrespectful and outrageous but extremely racist. Oh and by the way, didn’t Obama get shit for his ties with his former Christian pastor Rev. Wright? You can’t have it both ways. Just because you don’t like someone or don’t agree with someone you cannot make things up as you go along.

This birther movement is outrageous. Do people really thing there is some conspiracy to elect a non-citizen. Why would anyone do that? I think if there was some conspiracy to elect someone, for whatever reason, (anyone remember the 2000 election) they would at least find an American citizen.

And while I am on my rant about the ignorance and racism in American politics I would like to say that this is a lot like the parallels being drawn about Obama and Hitler. Seriously, does that even make sense? Its like the news throws out some hate inspired words (Nazi, Communism, Fascism, dictator, death panel) along with the President’s name and all of a sudden he is a Nazi.

And I would like to say, whatever you want to call it death panel or not I think that everyone should have a plan of what they would like to do if they were to become incapacitated. I am 26 and I know that I should have a living will and direction for my funeral and instructions about life support. I remember when the Terri Schiavo debacle was going on and thinking how awful it would be if my spouse had to go through this. It is not enough to tell your spouse I want to be kept alive or I don’t want to be kept alive, it should be in writing.

I once watched this documentary where a man had a series of unbelievable trials and after some 20-30 years he was finally exonerated for a crime he did not commit. But the trial was unbelievable, they let a member of the KKK testify years after the original trial, it was so bizarre and it breaks my heart to know that that happened to someone (many people) and that racism is still present in our society and things like this still occur. But the point I am making is that there was this one man who said you can’t argue with hate. It is completely irrational and you just can’t argue with it. And I agree. It is irrational, there is not support for it and I guess that is why it has been so eradicate.

Dear Friend,

What is our country coming to?

A few minutes ago we learned about an offensive, racist billboard right here in Colorado--attacking President Obama and comparing him to terrorists. The billboard was created by Wolf Automotive, at their location here in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Check out the photo to the right, then join the pledge to boycott.

I called Wolf Automotive to ask them what their intent was in putting up that sign. The man I spoke with defended the sign, and indicated he has no intention of taking the sign down, and it was quickly apparent to me that he was a "birther."

The "tea party" movement and the "birthers" are becoming more and more outrageous. They're in the thrall of demagogues like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Peter Boyles, Sarah Palin, and right-wing elected officials in Colorado like Senator Dave Schultheis--who sent out a statement last week comparing President Obama to the 9/11 terrorists who flew United Flight 93 into the ground.

We'll defend anyone's First Amendment right to speak his or her mind. However, the "marketplace of ideas" that the First Amendment protects only works when everyone speaks out. If hate like that spread by Dave Schultheis and the owners of Wolf Automotive are allowed to go without a response, then we allow the perception that these ideas have merit.

We have both the right and the obligation under the First Amendment to publicly reject ideas that we find abhorent and offensive.

Please help us respond to this latest attack from the Right by doing a couple of things. First, please click on the link below and pledge to boycott Wolf Automotive until they take down this billboard. Then, please spread the word by forwarding this email to at least 5 people you know and ask them to sign the boycott pledge as well.

After you sign the pledge, we'll provide you the phone numbers for the Wolf Automotive Group--they have four dealerships located in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Please take a few minutes to call and ask them, respectfully, to take their sign down. We want to respond, but we want to resist being dragged into incivility by the hatred that we're confronting.

Thank you,
Bobby Clark