Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Mexican Drivers

The other day my husband and I were driving back from our favorite movie house and a woman cut us off. Because it is our favorite movie theater and we go there often we knew the lane she cut us off to get into would end soon - this happens a lot in Denver, lanes ending that is. So he knew she was going to want to get back in. So he said, "You never know when you are going to piss off a New Mexican diver." Meaning New Mexicans are assholes (his experience) and that he was not going to let her back in. But she had this new Lexus and we are driving the old Subaru and though he tried the poor Subaru let Jerome down and the lady got back in the lane. I laughed so hard.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I recently finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird. It was the One Book, One Denver this year, and I must say I loved it! I read it when I was in jr. high but I must say that is pretty young to really get this book. I completely fell in love with Scout, I so want to be her. I loved the descriptions such as I busted open my knuckle on his tooth, or the tree was so wide that two children could wrap their arms around it and not touch. I loved rereading this classic and highly recommend it. Oh and by the way, the movie is awesome!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Biggest Loser

I guess I am really behind – I don’t have TV so I have to watch everything on Hulu, delayed. So, last night I was finally able to watch The Biggest Loser finale. This is the first season that I followed the show. Overall I am really annoyed at the shameless advertising, and the constant repetition. But overall, mostly because I am fascinated, I think it is OK. I am not sure that I will continue watching.

Of course, by now everyone knows that Danny won Biggest Loser and Rebecca won the at home challenge. I wasn’t really cheering for anyone but I must say out of the final four I really liked the men a lot more. I just liked how they just did it. They didn’t complain, they weren’t dramatic (like Amanda), and they rocked. But I would have been happy if either Rudy or Danny won. I think they both looked awesome and deserved a win. Liz and Amanda not so much – what was the difference from the last Ranch weigh in from the finale – to me it didn’t seem like much. But that’s just me. I am glad crazy bitch Tracy didn't win.

I though Shay looked fabulous. They didn’t pick the most flattering outfit but her hair and makeup were awesome. I, like many Americans were inspired and touched by her hardship but one thing that really shocked me was that she is married. Through out her time on the Ranch it seemed like she was single, no family, etc. because that is the impression she gave but she is married. WTF. I don’t have a strong extended or immediate family support system but I have my husband and I think of him as a great family support. Maybe that is naïve but we are each other’s family and support. So I was shocked to see that she was married. I thought it was funny that she said next year you’ll see me at 204, I was thinking why stop there go for $150,000 and 154. But that is an awesome challenge and I hope to see her rock that challenge.

As I was watching my husband said that Rebecca looked like a crack head. I wasn’t really a fan of her and I thought she handled being voted off very badly and again when she was on Leno. But I always thought she was pretty and normal so disregarded my husband but when she won, I thought oh yeah, she does kinda look like a crack head. She wrapped her legs around two separate people, none of whom are her boyfriend, weird. I just didn’t think she looked good, she looked thin but not good. I really liked her hair in the beginning.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Plan B

Thank goodness for Plan B!

** I am editing - I am talking about plans I made in my life, not the morning after pill. Just thought maybe I should clarify...