Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.

For the first time this year I have been keeping track of all the books I have read. Here is my 2008 list. My goal was to read 30, maybe next year. The ones in teal are books chosen by my book club, some are ones I would have never read on my own such as The Mastery of Love and I hated it, others I would not have read but loved such as Three Cups of Tea. My reason for joining my book club was to kick start my reading and read books I wouldn't read on my own. I haven't gone for a while but would like to get back in the habbit. This month they are reading When you are Engulfed in Flames, which I have read so for sure I will be going to the monthly discussion.

Some of the books I loved reading were: Miss America by Day, The Bluest Eye, Bastard on the Couch (follow-up to Bitch in the House), Infidel, Water for Elephants, I really got into the Lanny Budd series by Upton Sinclair and I always love David Sedaris. I read a lot of him this year.

I look forward to continue working on my 'books I want to read' list. Today I am going to the library to pick up the Soloist, I am also kinda reading Pushed. Happy Reading!

1. The Mastery of Love
2. Miss America by Day
3. World’s End
4. Infidel
5. Survivor
6. Siddhartha
7. Barrel Fever
8. Born Standing Up
9. Between Two Worlds
10. The Bluest Eye
11. Bastard on the Couch
12. Water for Elephants
13. Amazing Grace
14. Naked
15. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
16. The Omnivore’s Dilemma
17. A Thousand Splendid Suns
18. When You Are Engulfed in Flames
19. Dragon’s Teeth Part I
20. Three Cups of Tea
21. Marley and Me
22. No Country for Old Men
23. Native Son
24. Audacity of Hope
25. Wonderful World of Oz
26. For Whom the Bell Tolls

Monday, December 22, 2008

50 Things I want to do before I'm dead (WIP)

In no particular order

1. Make a big speech
2. Hike the Grand Canyon - Done 3/22/2009
On the way down

On the way up...

3. Learn to crochet

4. Learn to play guitar
5. Run/jog a half marathon
6. Throw someone a surprise party
7. Take my mom to Hawaii
8. Sing in a pub/cantina, traditional (Irish, English, Mexican) songs. (like that scene in Frida)
9. Visit all of the Guggenheim Museums.
10. Celebrate my 50th Anniversary
11. Bike/walk the Camino de Santiago - route TBD
12. Go to Tomatina

...more to come...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Every year my boss gives us a “goody bag” filled with a gift and stocking stuffer type stuff; candy, mints, note pads, cheesy Christmas hats. This year this hat was in my bag and our poor little dog got to try it on.

In other year-end news, in the midst of an economic melt down my company is giving us a cost of living raise (at least), our annual bonus (almost equivalent to 1 months salary), a marketing bonus (a pool of 5K), is not cutting any benefits (yet), and is actually planning on hiring someone in our Denver office. So, I consider myself pretty lucky. Life is Good.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

lawmakers take first step to oust Blagojevich, what's taking so long?

Whoa! There are major problems when you can be arrested and continue to go to work, and I am not talking about furlough. It seems that especially in a state like Illinois that the legislation could have establish some sort of statute stating that if you are arrested you are on automatically on a leave of absence. If you are found not guilty then you get your job back. I whole heartedly believe that he has the right to defend himself but I don’t think someone facing “federal fraud and bribery charges, including allegations of a scheme to profit from his power to appoint a replacement for the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama” should be able to continue to govern the state. There is a reason why positions like lieutenant governor exist, right?