Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another tally for the L column

I am pretty emotional normally but yesterday I was a complete wreck for a minute. My husband went to China this summer for study abroad. I really, really wanted and have wanted a jade braclet. So, of course he was on a mission to find one. He got really into haggeling with the street vendors and eventually found this amaingly beautiful bracelet for me and haggled for quite some time while the man demonstrated its quality by cutting glass, etc. But the long and short of the story is that I was at my school gym and I had placed it in the bottom of my locker and when I came back from my shower and pulled out something it fell out and onto the floor, shattering in little pieces. I had wondered if it was fragile, unfortunately I found out it is. So my beautiful jade bracelet that I loved is gone. I was so devistated, I cried in the locker room, I went to class where I continued to sit in silence and cry. It sounds so stupid but I am crying now. I guess I know that I can replace it. My husband really enjoyed China and I am sure he will be back but it just sucks. I am pretty clumsy and it makes me feel like a child, like I shouldn't be allowed to have nice things, because I break them. I know we all break things some times I just wish it could have been something less important, something I didn't love so much.

I know it shouldn't feel like it, but it feels like a major loss. I just seriously need a win.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Current and highly recommended reads...

I recently read Push by Sapphire. She spoke last year at our school, and I had been wanting to read this book for a long time. If you have seen the movie you can imagine that it was a pretty difficult read, emotionally, not technically. The book was written from Precious's perspective, much like the movie. I usually don't like to watch movies based on books before I have read the book but in this case I just hadn't had a chance to read the book and really wanted to see the movie. And, Sapphire had given the movie a great endorsement. She had been approached about making a movie years earlier but didn't because she did not agree with the way the script was written, her level of involvement, etc. The movie followed the book pretty closely. I thought the book and movie were pretty great.

Push made a lot of references to The Color Purple, which of course I did not get because I have not read The Color Purple. So, I just had to go out and read it. I am so glad I did. It is such an amazing, beautifully written book. It is written in the same style as Push, hence all the references.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am not good with rejection.

I never thought finding a job would be this hard. It sucks when you think you've found your dream job but your potential employer disagrees....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thoughts about 9/11/2010

I saw a bit of coverage on the news yesterday while at the gym and I think it is unbelievable that so many Americans came out to protest the "Ground Zero Mosque instead of going to NYC to pray, remember those loved and lost, or mourn, etc. I am so sad at this time in America - it seems that it is becoming more acceptable to be unaccepting, unloving, racist. Why are these extremist getting coverage (I know here I am writing about it) but this wackjob in FL. WTF?! Even seemingly normal politicians or people saying, "even though they have the right, it doesn't mean it is the right thing to do..." I'm sorry, but this is a religious organization that is not affiliated with the people who attacked us. I can't imagine how painful it must be to be a Muslim. After 9 years the fear and hatred against Muslims continues to grow.

After 9/11 we saw the world come together in support of America, we saw Americans supporting each other. It was an amazing time. It sucks that this same event, that changed all of our lives, has the power to do just the opposite. Sad.


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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jan Brewer

While traveling from New Mexico to Arizona via I-40 one of the first things I saw after entering AZ was this image on a billboard. It seriously made my blood fucking boil. It is so not cool to use a classic image, an image that has long been associated with the feminist movement. And then to change "Rosie" and make her blond, is totally despicable. With the racial tension in AZ I have to assume that they took the image and intentionally made it look more European. I may be wrong but I don't think I am.

For a long time now I have been really impressed with the image of "Rosie the Riveter". To me it symbolizes our country's need for women in the workplace and our ability to show the would what we could do, despite being told that we weren't able. Below I found this image of a "real Rosie", I think it is really cool and wanted to share.

In conclusion, FUCK JAN BREWER! I hope that she loses the campaign, though I don't think she will. I grew up in AZ and it makes me incredible sad to learn how racist of a state it actually is. I am glad I don't live there.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


So, for the past couple years halloween has been a pretty big deal. I don't know what I want to be this year. My top contenders are:

Jeannie from I dream of Jeannie. I had hoped that this would be a couple's costume and that my husband would be the captain, which I kept calling the colonel, and now he insists that he is going be the conlonel, as in Sanders...And I am not sure that I really want to do a midrift baring costume... eek!
Spock, who I fell in love with after seeing the new movie. Sorry, I am too young to have enjoyed the original ones.

Glenda the Good Witch, the costume would be intense but awesome if I could get it done.

Annie, this would be fun but I might be asked to sing... err... and nobody wants that to happen.

I was so happy the other day when I left my house and it just felt like fall was coming, and indeed it is. I have already started thinking about my annual pumpkin carving party and what design I will select for my pumpkin. So exciting. Can't wait!