Monday, September 21, 2009

You were right

Last night I went to go see Built to Spill, my most favorite band. I have seen them a few times now, most recently as June and I didn’t really think last night’s show was exceptional but it was an awesome event. One thing that was amazing was that when they came out for their encore the plated Car, which is a big fan favorite and I had heard that they don’t really play it live. I think it has a lot of sentimental value, they dedicated it to a drummer that had passed and that two, people always request it, which I am sure can be very annoying. So, I was thrilled when they started playing it and for some reason, before I knew it tears were streaming down my face. I am getting teary now just thinking about it. There are so many memories that I associate with Built to Spill. I was introduced to them by an ex-best friend, and not that I am upset about that particular friendship ending it just makes me think about all of the friends that I have lost over the years for various reason. But he introduced me to them around the time that I was making the transition to Flagstaff to complete my degree. I remember telling people at my summer job (which I had every summer for five years) that it was going to be my last summer there and that I was moving on and would not be spending my summers at home (my mom’s home). At the time people didn’t believe me but I have not returned to Phoenix for any of my summers. Upon my arrival to Flagstaff I met Jerome and we shared a love for Built to Spill and he introduced me to more Built to Spill albums that I had not heard. We even put one of their songs, Car (of course) on our wedding cd. I am writing in stream of conscious mode but I guess I really want to say that I was very emotionally overwhelmed by the moment and it was awesome. The other thing that was amazing is that towards the end of the show Doug Martsch says, “I am dj-ing at such and such club if you’ll want to hang out.” Why YES I do want to. So, the club is literally two blocks from our house, which is awesome. He is playing music, I am dancing and it is great. I was able to let him know how much his music has meant to me and my life, and I gave him a hug!. It was really awesome. His choice of music really surprised me, a lot of ska, which is also awesome because I love ska. I ended up leaving because I had to work this morning but my brother (who is visiting) stayed and said that he started dancing, I am so glad I missed that but se la vi. The night was just great.

I didn’t take any pictures or anything, I should start carrying my camera more often. But I pulled this off of youtube.