Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thoughts about 9/11/2010

I saw a bit of coverage on the news yesterday while at the gym and I think it is unbelievable that so many Americans came out to protest the "Ground Zero Mosque instead of going to NYC to pray, remember those loved and lost, or mourn, etc. I am so sad at this time in America - it seems that it is becoming more acceptable to be unaccepting, unloving, racist. Why are these extremist getting coverage (I know here I am writing about it) but this wackjob in FL. WTF?! Even seemingly normal politicians or people saying, "even though they have the right, it doesn't mean it is the right thing to do..." I'm sorry, but this is a religious organization that is not affiliated with the people who attacked us. I can't imagine how painful it must be to be a Muslim. After 9 years the fear and hatred against Muslims continues to grow.

After 9/11 we saw the world come together in support of America, we saw Americans supporting each other. It was an amazing time. It sucks that this same event, that changed all of our lives, has the power to do just the opposite. Sad.


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