Sunday, September 26, 2010

Current and highly recommended reads...

I recently read Push by Sapphire. She spoke last year at our school, and I had been wanting to read this book for a long time. If you have seen the movie you can imagine that it was a pretty difficult read, emotionally, not technically. The book was written from Precious's perspective, much like the movie. I usually don't like to watch movies based on books before I have read the book but in this case I just hadn't had a chance to read the book and really wanted to see the movie. And, Sapphire had given the movie a great endorsement. She had been approached about making a movie years earlier but didn't because she did not agree with the way the script was written, her level of involvement, etc. The movie followed the book pretty closely. I thought the book and movie were pretty great.

Push made a lot of references to The Color Purple, which of course I did not get because I have not read The Color Purple. So, I just had to go out and read it. I am so glad I did. It is such an amazing, beautifully written book. It is written in the same style as Push, hence all the references.