Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kicking Asphalt

I know I have talked about running in the past but I found this really awesome female running image on the Nike website and wanted to share. It is the off season for me and I have been averaging about 25 miles a week. I try to do most of my miles outdoors when the weather permits. Colorado has pretty decent winters but the trail I run most often gets really muddy after it snows. I am planning on doing my first Marathon this year. 26.2 miles still freaks me out but I know I'll get there. My husband started running with me recently. It makes me very happy, I am increasingly worried about his health. Grad school has been rough on him. We are running our first race together this Sunday. It is a St. Patty's day fun run. It is 7K and followed by free beer and music. It was voted the best run after party in Denver last year. I am pretty excited.